After returning from Guatemala, I went off the grid for three days and healed me. When ever I need grounding, I fast to clear my mind, body, and spirit. The Esther Fast kept appearing on my TikTok timeline, and it felt like the perfect way to close out 2024 and welcome in 2025.
Key points about the Esther Fast:
- What is it? : The fast is named after Queen Esther from the biblical story in the Book of Esther. In this story, Queen Esther fasted for three days to seek gods’ assistance in saving the Jewish people from being killed by the king’s right hand.
- Observances: Those observing the fast typically refrain from food, drink, and other physical comforts, this fast is observed for approximately 3 days, each day from dawn to nightfall. Some also include additional prayers and reading the Book of Esther, Hebrew 11 and Isaiah 62.
- Significance: If you’re doing the fast, I definitely recommend completing the Book of Esther, it speak of